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5 Haunted Places to Visit in London

London, England is typically known for their Royal Family, double-decker buses, telephone booths, Big Ben and the London Bridge. But it is also home to a lot of rich history, making it one of the most haunted cities in the world. After sundown, tourists flock to a variety of sites to witness an eerie occurrence.  

If you’re looking to witness a supernatural event that’ll send a chill down your spine while you’re in London, you’ll want to check out these five places:

1. Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is one of the most historical churches in London, but it is also the burial ground for several British monarchs. Almost 3000 people and 17 monarchs have been buried in the grounds. Multiple tourists claim to have witnessed shadows of those who are buried there, and a few even said they saw a statue move.

2. Tower Of London

From 1100 to 1952, the Tower of London was used as a prison by the Royal Family. Convicts were tortured and killed there, and visitors of the palace still claim to get a chill down their spine when visiting. Many visitors claim to see shadows of those who were killed there, and many claim to have seen the shadow of Anne Boleyn, the beheaded wife of Henry VIII, walking with her head tucked under her arm.

3. Bruce Castle Museum

Bruce Castle was established in 1254 as a Lordship house for the ‘de Bruce’ family of Scotland. The Lady of the home was said to be held against her will by her evil husband, caged in the upper portion of the house. One night in early November, she killed herself jumping off the roof. Every year on November 3rd, the story claims that the ghost of the Lady reenacts her suicide and her cries can be heard by visitors.

4. The Old Operating Theatre Museum

This theater, situated in the attic of the early eighteenth-century church of the old St Thomas’ Hospital, used to be the viewing place of surgical procedures before anesthetics and antiseptics. Some visitors say they can hear the cries and screams of past patients in secluded corners and attic staircases.

5. Spaniards Inn

Spaniards Inn is a prominent London pub offering a world-class dining experience, but one thing left off the menu is the eerie visits by those of deceased past regulars. The pub was once a regular plotting spot for Dick Turpin, one of London’s most mischievous thieves and murders. Visitors have claimed to witness the ghost of Dick Turpin, as well as an unknown lady wearing all white haunting the pub.

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