Lifestyle Travels

Pictures of the Italian Countryside

Well, in an act of pure stupidity I accidentally deleted all of my beautiful pictures of the Italian countryside. I had the camera plugged into my Macbook and exported the photos to a zip drive. I thought I was all good but low and behold the zip drive was corrupted but alas it was too late! I had already deleted the DCIM folder on my camera. So I won’t be sharing my original photos of the weekend but I thought I could snag some pictures from elsewhere on the internet so you can see exactly what I have been up to.


Photo of Bianzone

Here is a photo of the picturesque Bianzone which a small little village just north of Milan.

Stelvio National ParK

One of the most beautiful and expansive places in the Italian countryside is the Stelvio National Park. Here are some photos I found while remembering and browsing the internet.





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