Lifestyle Travels

Getting Excited For Milan!

milan duomo

In just a few more days I’ll be well on my way to Milan! Of all places in the world, I never really saw myself here – something came over me in the last year and half that made me swoon. The more you look the easier it is to fall in love.

After doing some really crude research, I learned that Milan is the second-most populated city in the beautiful country of Italy. It’s bustling with just over 5 million people, meaning I’m sure to be immersed in that romantic language barrier.

My friend Jessica and I have been saving for a long time to finance this trip, working whatever odds and ends necessary to make this happen. I had a little nest egg nestled in my savings and I’ll actually be traveling out sooner than her. I’ve got an extra weekend to follow my fancy and spare Jess my incessant ramblings over my sickening fandom of virtually everything to do with Italian fashion.

How do I see myself spending that weekend? No doubt huddled over authentic Italian espresso in a charming café, about a dozen books at my disposal. It’s a little cliché I suppose, but I’m bringing along Under the Tuscan Sun due to the book’s setting. It’s always been a nerdy dream of mine to read some of my favorite books on location.

This is a major opportunity to admire the unique Milan architecture, something I’ve only had a chance to do through my mom’s old photos. Some of my favorite areas look like these grandiose ivory castles, towering figures that give Milan its rich history. I hope my ankles are prepared for all the walking.

I think my heart will practically fall out of my chest whenever I get the opportunity to see the Last Supper in person. What a totally surreal experience! Milan has some of the most exceptional art in the world, the art school student in me is losing her mind.

It also goes without saying if you’re familiar with most of Italy, but the spas here are downright legendary. I’m going to wait for Jessica to arrive before I indulge with this, but that hasn’t stopped me from doing my homework already.

My dad is trying to get me to check out an AC Milan game while I’m out there – I know that Jessica would be game for that. Does anyone know how to get tickets to the most popular sporting event in a city crawling with people? Help a girl out here.

Counting down the days, Milan!

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