So, after a night of getting lost in a black of of wikipedia articles and youtube videos about Carnaby Street, I decided to go out there last night for some drinks. We started off at Ain’t Nothin’ But; the only Blues Bar in Soho and probably anywhere in this country. It’s a little strange, seeing as there were no people of color in there at all, cultural appropriation in action! Yeah, anyway, it was still fun, I had many beers–I still can’t get over how cheap Strongbow is here, and how kind of “low grade” it is. In America I’d pay $5-6 for a pint, but here it’s like 1-3 pounds. INSANE. I’m kind of over the taste already, and I feel my acid reflux starting to flare up when I drink a lot of it. Remember kids: 1-2 Fancy beers/Ciders then CHEAP STUFF–trust me, the hangovers are much more bearable that way.
I swear I’ m not an alcoholic…..

Thank goodness Zebrano existed, because before this debauchery I got a mean grilled veggie panini with some delightful hummus-ish sauce. I don’t know why but it was a really good sandwich, and I’m all for eating cheap, it wasn’t terribly expensive. The downstairs there tends to get a bit “clubby” so we kind of bounced on that pretty fast, it’s the beginning of the week, we should PROBABLY stay sensible.
Later this week we want to check out that new bar Bittersweet that Soho has to offer…looks real fancy, I can’t wait to get some classy cocktails, maybe post-shopping mania on Thursday.