After a wondrous time in Ireland, I didn’t realize that my next stop would be another haven for good beer and better times. I took the 7 a.m. Aer Lingus flight to Berlin. Let me just say that I was super excited to be on a flight that only lasted two hours as opposed to …

Last Few Days in Northern Ireland
My time here in Northern Ireland has been an absolute blast. I’ve been able to visit a lot of amazing places that I never in my wildest dreams thought I would actually be able to visit. Within my last few days here, however, I couldn’t stop the sightseeing. While chatting with my friend John ( …

Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland holds a lot of eye candy just about everywhere you turn. For those of you fellow geeks out there, Ireland has the type of jaw dropping scenery straight out of Game of Thrones – literally! Winter apparently came and left northern Ireland’s Tollymore Forest, home to the series forests of Winterfell. While we …

Ireland Day 1: Sketchy Lunch at Chancery Inn
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve checked back with all of my Writings and Wanderlust fans but I have arrived in the wonderful country of Ireland just in time for warm summer weather. Just kidding, I arrived at the Dublin airport earlier this morning to be greeted by heavy rains and the characteristic Irish …

Pictures of the Italian Countryside
Well, in an act of pure stupidity I accidentally deleted all of my beautiful pictures of the Italian countryside. I had the camera plugged into my Macbook and exported the photos to a zip drive. I thought I was all good but low and behold the zip drive was corrupted but alas it was too …